Deer Mountain Panoramic Shot

2020 Budget Overview

Here at Visit Estes Park we have just completed the public hearing regarding our 2020 budget. Today I want to focus on the changes you can expect from Visit Estes Park in 2020 and how that will affect our community.

The largest change is the launch of a Group Sales & Marketing division starting January 2020. This department will have an initial operating budget of $110,000 along with two full time dedicated staff.

President & CEO Eric Lund has identified Group Sales & Marketing as his highest priority and the greatest opportunity he sees from what Visit Estes Park has done in the past. This program intends to extend the visitor demand from leisure travelers to include corporate, tour bus operators, reunions, weddings and all other forms of group travel.

The changes that will come along with this program will be a new RFP program that will allow all interested stakeholders to receive the leads this program will generate.  For more information on this new program make sure to look for updates in our Stakeholder E-newsletter as well as on the transparency page on

In 2020 Visit Estes Park is continuing our commitment to financial excellence by budgeting to engage in a complete and independent audit that is in addition to our supplemental audit as part of the Town of Estes Park annual audit. This began for the fiscal year 2017 and will continue into 2020. All documents related to past audits can be found on the transparency page.

2019 is looking to be a great year for Estes Park with nearly every month showing increased revenues from our guests over 2018. Based on current market researched we expect this trend to continue into 2020.

Thank you to our entire community for a great year and here’s to a great 2020!