Winter Marketing Initiatives 

It’s snowing today in Estes Park and it reminds me why people love to play in the outdoors.  A key part of our marketing efforts include focus upon the front range folks and emphasizing all the wonderful outdoor winter activities that they can enjoy while in Estes Park.  We are bringing in key influencers and top-tier media to write about their activities in Estes Park, further enhancing our winter marketing efforts, in part with a matching grant from the Colorado Tourism Office awarded to help expand our Athlete in Residence marketing program. We are also emphasizing the romantic getaways and places where you can enjoy a nice cozy fireplace with your partner in time for the Valentine’s Day period.

In addition to all of the leisure marketing we have been doing to improve our winter season, we are also marketing to brides at wedding shows and doing our best to increase winter season group events.  This is all designed to increase demand during our slower winter season. 

We are planning an educational summit for late April this year where you can learn about all of the exciting marketing activities that you can take advantage of with Visit Estes Park.  We hope you will join us!  I hope you get a chance to get outside and enjoy the snow and beautiful Estes Park winter!