The competition resembles a tractor pull, but strong, motivated dogs do all the heavy lifting at the Dog Weight Pull scheduled for February 18 and 19 in Estes Park. Competition begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. each day in the south parking lot at the Estes Park Visitor Center.

At a pull, dogs are separated into one of eight weight classes, ranging from 25 pounds and under to 151 pounds and up. Each dog is strapped into an owner-provided harness and, one at a time, must tug a sled with varying amounts of weight across a 16-foot track until the front edge of the sled crosses the finish line. It's a canine strong-man competition.

The pull is sponsored by the Town of Estes Park and organized by Longs Peak Pullers. The event is sanctioned by the International Weight Pulling Association which is a nonprofit organization that seeks to promote the heritage of the working dog. Dogs from three different states will gather at the pull.

For more information contact the Estes Park Events office at 970-586-6104.