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Samson's Revenge Trail Race

  • 2515 Tunnel Rd, Estes Park, CO 80511
  • Phone:
  • Presented By: Running Wild Events
  • Dates: May 17, 2025
  • Location: YMCA of the Rockies - Estes Park Center
  • Address: 2515 Tunnel Rd, Estes Park, CO 80511
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Price: 10k - $75 | $85 | $92 ​27k - $100 | $110 | $120 55k - $110 | $125 | $140 price increases occur Feb 1 and April 1
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Runner Info
Start/Finish line will be in front of the Administration building at the YMCA of the Rockies - 2515 Tunnel Rd, Estes Park, CO 80511
All distances start at 9am.
Parking is plentiful in all paved lots.
An email will go out to all participants race week with additional information.

Our race is a 10kish loop with 1,200ft of gain per loop with most of that packed into the Bible Point ascent.
Loops 2-6 for the longer races are a little shorter and are on flowing single track trail, packed dirt and a short section of gravel.

Samson was THE celebrity elk of the Rockies until he was illegally poached in 1995 at the YMCA.
Our race runs on Samson's home turf, The YMCA of the Rockies, which his descendants still call home.
The course is fast single track with a big summit slapped in the middle.
This is Samson’s Revenge

All registrations include a $29 day pass to the YMCA of the Rockies grounds.