There are so many ways to explore Estes Park! Find the right outing for you with our mild to wild adventure scale!


Tame, Yet Curious

Your idea of an adventure may be getting snowed in at your cabin retreat or taking a scenic stroll around Lily Lake. You want to take in the beauty and splendor of the pristine mountain wilderness surrounding the Estes Valley without having to venture into it. That's great! "Hike" in your car through Rocky Mountain National Park and look for wildlife. Walk The Knoll path for an amazing view of downtown Estes. Bring your binoculars and birding checklist to a picnic.

Explorer, With Some Limits

You are the type of adventurer who wants to get a taste of the wild, without becoming wild. You want to feel challenged without venturing too far off the path bordering your comfort zone. Explore on! Take your group on a piloted jeep tour through the park or off-roading in the national forest. Try a moderate hike or snowshoe up the Gem Lake Trail (with or without a guide). Get lost (figuratively speaking) in a canoe on Lake Estes.


Bold and Daring (kind of) 

Adventure is not a new concept to you. You want to feel your stomach sink, climb to new heights, impress your friends. That said, you like your life and want to be sure to see the end of your trip. Well, we dare ya! Ride a bike down Trail Ridge Road. Backpack over the Continental Divide. Rent a 4WD off-road vehicle and go bouldering in the forest. How about trying your hand at ice climbing?


Risk, Schmisk. I got this!

You are the extreme adventurer. Fear has not yet found you. You believe the beauty of the wilderness can be truly appreciated only from the highest peaks, the shallowest ledge, or the largest powder drop. Have we got the ticket for you! Climb the most notorious 14-er in Colorado, Longs Peak. Scale Pressure Drop or Crescent Arch on Lumpy Ridge. Backcountry ski or split-board in Rocky Mountain National Park. Just be sure to bring all the proper safety gear - and have a blast!